Quest for life | Life Blog
Quest for life | Life Blog
Today morning 8:05, eyes were half-closed half-open. Getting up from bed, I did the 1st thing which all of us do in this era, “checked the phone”.Nothing was there in It and again with laziness in my body and eyes, I was back on my bed.
Suddenly something rushed and my mind; I need to get up and get ready for my office {I hate that place}. And while getting ready I was continuously thinking about 1 thing, “What am I doing”, “Is this the thing I wished before studying? Office? what do I actually do there? Why do I actually go there? As we say that we do what we love, but there is nothing sort of love with this place, and still I go there.
I sat on my pc and thought for a while about my friends. The ones who are employed in MNC’s and have the same schedule the whole year.
And 1 thing I realised maximum people don’t actually even know what they are actually doing or want to do with their life. They just want to pass the life till they are alive, actually don’t even know what makes them happy or sad, they are just happy because they are doing something. They don’t even want to stress their nerves to think about why they are born in this world and think that they are born to live the life they are living and so they are contented with it.Happiness and contented has a lot of difference in it. Being happy is definitely being contented, but it’s not true visa-versa. And in the minority section are the people like us, we don’t have a problem with what we are doing, but we have a problem that why we are doing this or that? We are in need to satisfy our urge to by finding the answer to our questions and also doing what we like, and that is why we are sad{sometimes}.
We sometimes are in short in the midst of
Quest of life@ramtajogi
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Male Ego | Life Blog
Male Ego | Life Blog
The only quality that separates a male from being a True gentleman is what we call “Ego” or “Male Ego” to be precise. The society where we live from our childhood to adulthood had made us see the violence of a man on a woman or male domination over the females. And that is what stays in us, lifelong. The biggest problem with the mind is it learns slowly what it hears but learns fast what comes in front of it.
Nowadays the relationship/ friendship break only because of this “Male Ego”. Either it’s just friendship or a beginning of a relationship, what a man wants is to rule it or guide the relation in His own way. The only way their friendship should run depends on Hismood, His timing and His interests. The only way He wants to continue His Love-relation depends on His limitations and His extend till where he wants to continue it and when he wants to end it.
He acts with her as if she is taken for granted. His worst behaviour with her are the consequences of his bad day, His problems become the result of her acts, or of her being in his life. She becomes the one to be held responsible for how he is living, and whenever things get wrong. On fine days, every good thing to has a share with her, though not completely. It gets divided between her and He-himself. Regardless of good points, a Man has a problem of oneness. All achievements achieved by him are mainly because of him and less because of others, that’s what he thinks.
The recent era is getting more technological and fast-forward. We-The Man is less for ourselves and more to show to people and this, in turn, this is lessening true side of ours. We don’t have time to feel or think our true wishes and interests and just show people how great we are.
In the entire act, it is only the girl who suffers a lot, who with all good thoughts and pure feelings wants to be with you as your love or as a good friend to cherish your company. She sees what bad you do to her, feel bad for that actions of yours but still feels good for you; still finds that what you are showing and how you are behaving is just a temporary act and you respect/love her more than you show. She lives in a world of her own self, where the only thing she sees is what makes her feel good. She pays no attention to all the ignorance and wrong behaviour towards her and even if she does; it results in a bit of sadness and shortly she continues overlooking it.
But still, in the midst of all this, there comes an end; an end to all sufferings, all the bearings, all the problems that a girl faced all because of the man in her life and she gives up. She gives up what she loved someday; what she wished with someone. She gives up the life for which she was not made of and which she was living just to receive love and lately in return she realizes that the love which she deserved to get with all such giving is actually what she hasn’t got till date.
All she received love is when the man Himself wanted, in the form in which the Man delivered; her wishes and emotions were not only disregarded; they were not even considered. Thinking all this she gives up it as a matter of past. And freedom welcomes her; A freedom where her happiness is more important for herself. She starts receiving all the positive energy from all sides, finds better people who love her the way she wants, loves her for what she is, wants to be with her for the person she is and she feels bliss.
Still, that Man cannot be Hu-man, he doesn’t feel for her going from His life, also he cannot see her with the other people too, he cannot feel good. He gets bewildered-looking that there are people who can make her happy and feel her loving and he cannot. At times he feels that he was right and all that has changed is the attitude of the girl.
He does not know that there is a difference between a man and a gentleman. And the major problem is his thought, his attitude and his ego to run the people according to him. He cannot make himself believe that he didn’t deserve her. All that hurts him is the feeling that he lost. He lost her itself makes it clear that he considered her merely as an object. And an object definitely can be lost as well as can break. That’s what happened with the Man.
What we as humans need to understand is, there is nothing like an end to any relation, it’s just realizing what went wrong and feeling sorry from the heart for your deeds, and leaving it to the other person to feel sorry. If he/she does; it’s your fate, if they don’t, leave it. Don’t force, maybe they are very happy with someone else. So let it be. Because happiness is that’s something what you never gave them and sometimes happiness of the person is more important than the closeness of the person.
A friend once said, “Even in the best of the man, you can’t take the ego out of him.”
“Do not have this Ego, which destroys the person himself and relation altogether”
@ramta jogi
Male Ego | Life Blog
Male Ego | Life Blog
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A short sweet life | Life Blog
A short sweet life | Life Blog
We sometimes never able to understand what our life is or where it will take us through, but if we think then we will realize that we don’t need to understand it.
On a random weekend, at 11:30 Sunday noon after having brunch with an old college friend and coming back to my place, the only feeling that goes in my mind is contentment and a feeling of accomplishment for having had a time which will be relished forever.
Now in my comfort zone which I have created for myself, do we actually need to think we about life?
The sweetness of life is that it is short else we would have been bored with it too. And in this short life, we need not to always think about what we want to achieve or about what we want to chase. Else this short life will even be more shortened.
Sometimes the only things that are meant are to enjoy are the ones which are tiny enough to be seen easily but are achieved more easily.
To do List
A walk in the rain
Witnessing a cloudy day with a cold breeze flowing
Enjoying a television show you like,
Taking dinner with the entire family,
Calling up an old friend you haven’t talked since ages,
Sorting the old grudges,
Crying for someone you miss and
Expressing your love for someone and many more.
At this age having mental peace is the most difficult thing to obtain.
Reason: Because we don’t want it.
We remain occupied in so much of thoughts about our outer self that we find it difficult to have some part of our time for our inner self and that result in the absence of peace
And then we complain that life is Tough.
Life is not tough; we have actually made it tough by ignoring the time for ourselves. By moaning for the big things in life which we were not able to achieve and not considering the sweet small beautiful things which give us a sense of satisfaction and peace too.
It is a right time to change and a right time for OURSELVES
@ramta jogi
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How Life is @ 22 | Life Blog
How Life is @ 22 | Life Blog
Weird, thoughtful, insightful, that is what our age @ 22 defines.
Though both digit of our age appear same, at this time but there is no such sameness apart from this,
Our bachelors seemed to be completed anyhow by this time {except some exceptions of doctors, lawyers and failures too} and we are about to keep our half-developed minds into this fully developed world, to learn how to develop the rest of the half part.
And in that state, we spend most of the time getting confused, bewildered and roaming aimlessly here and there. 90% of the girls with whom we had actually talked or only had a crush in secondary school are either engaged or married (committed is left far behind). The time to impress them and get committed to them is already gone and some high packet salary nerd has already sealed the deal.
All our rowdiness and machoness which we showed in school and college by not studying and not attending lectures has finally shown its after-effects and we are roaming here and there with no jobs in hand. Getting out from the house is getting dangerous day by day, as all the neighbours start staring and asking about marriage and job, neither of which can be answered nor can be denied, so with a low face, we need to run out of the place as fast as possible.
All the entrance exam options, opting for which we could have at-least justified that we are busy studying, are either over or are too hard even to try and if some exam is easy than it is not worth for us to try it. So finally at 22, we are left only with a bunch of friends who along with us are travelling in the same train and that’s why it gives us a sort of relaxation that we are not alone in this “ERA of 22”
@ramta jogi
Life @ 22 | Life Blog
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An Open Letter | “Why Don’t You Call Nowadays?” | Life Blog
An Open Letter | “Why Don’t You Call Nowadays?” | Life Blog
There is a nameplate hanging outside my home which has my parents’ name on it. This place is safe, surrounded by love and trust and there is a feeling of contentment. It has an aura that drives away fear, divine power in it. It entrusts me with the confidence that if everything in this world were to go wrong, this place would never let anything happen to me. My family, these are the people who knowingly or unknowingly have shaped who I am. They have totally dedicated their lives to my upbringing and betterment. We might call it ‘responsibility’ that every parent carries but that too comes out of concern, and such concern comes out of love.
As I grew up, I began to connect with others. I moved out, met new people, understood new things and experienced a different world. Once we start thinking for ourselves, things can’t remain the same; they have to change. I too started realizing what is right and useful for me. My family also supported my views and helped me make decisions that would boost my future. With a practical approach in mind, I moved out to climb the ladders of success in life.
I left this safe and secure dream world, my world, and entered into a world which I never imagined would be so big and so different from mine. From the safe confines of my private walls, I moved to this labyrinth where it’s easy to get lost. I moved to a different state and a brand new educational experience. This world was filled with new experiences, and I faced new circumstances every day; some even challenging. I made many new connections; a plethora of information blew in my face like a strong wind.
New Beginnings
The beginnings are always difficult as I missed everyone back home. It took some getting used to, for me to moved ahead. My best friends called me every day, and I called them back too. My parents called me every evening and would emotional. They’d ask even the minute details of how I spent the day and I obliged them with it. I’d asked them about life at their end, and they talked about things familiar to me, making me feel at home even in this strange new place. I took to the social media more than before to keep in touch with my kin and friends.
Alas! The constant nature of change is what tends to work against these connections. Change tends to break them, but this is involuntary. When one has taken the effort of coming out of the comfort zone, one tends to focus more on this effort, and this may us lead to a disconnect. We get lost in understanding and deciphering this novelty of a world that we’ve entered. The phone calls we made every day are now less in frequency. And this happens from both ends; mine and theirs.
We expect that they will contact us while people back home expect me to make the effort, but we both lose it. My father calls and asks “why don’t you call nowadays?” And I don’t have an answer to it. Even my friends and loved one’s message saying “Dude! You have changed a lot. You don’t even text or reply on time”, and again I don’t have an answer to it. When this happens, one tends to become an outsider.
But the truth is “I am not an outsider”.
It is not that I want to behave the way I behave, it is the environment and the thoughts that separate me from what I was and what I am about to become. It is not always the work or hectic schedule of mine that keeps me away from talking to my family and old friends. In a way, this is newfound freedom and I am busy utilizing it. I prioritize indulging into this freedom more than the constant need to keep in touch. The occasional drink, the rare indulgence in smoke, and of course there is the workload. Why shouldn’t I explore this freedom? I do remember them, but by the time I want to call them, it’s too late in the night and then it’s not an appropriate time, and people think I have changed.
But I have not. I have only taken charge of my life. After living in security for so long, I have come out and taken the charge of securing myself. I am dependent on “ME”. My mother’s not here to ask me what to have for dinner, nor is my father here to ask me what to bring while returning home and nor do I have any siblings here who will help me with my work. I am an individual who has come to create his own identity. I have an agenda here; this keeps me occupied. I may forget about them now and then, but do miss them.
I am still the same insider.
At times, I do miss them and get frustrated being alone but these feelings rise and die within the confines of my new, temporary accommodation. Nostalgia keeps me from even listening to their voices sometimes. This dependency on my parents who raised me, the friends who were always there, that girl who always spoke to me for hours but it seemed like minutes; this dependency is what I’m trying to end. Of course, I am desperate to see them again, be home for the festivals and during the holidays.
Who doesn’t?
But you change. You get used to living alone to the point that you actually prefer it. I prefer the solitude the crown has to offer. No one comes to talk to you if you’re not “alone”. I have tried to purge emotions so that it gets easier for me. And then I asked myself a question. Who am I without my parents, friends and that one girl? I got busier trying to find my identity, and it all soon became easy and found myself. I had to dissociate first to find myself and in this process, I became an outsider. Well, better the real me outside than this shadow of a person I was inside.
The truth is that in this self-discovery. I have realized that I just have different sides to the same person who lived in that place with his parents’ name plates on it.
@ramta jogi
Published in Youth ki awaaz
An Open Letter | “Why Don’t You Call Nowadays?” | Life Blog
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