The Love We Hate | Love Poetry
The Love We Hate | Love Poetry
With Life,
We began,
Between Family And friends,
We ran,
With happiness and sadness we were surrounded,
In this small world of ours we were grounded,
Love, than was not even in the air,
Neither did we knew, nor did we cared
But not too soon , nor too late,
Love too entered my fate,
With a sweet smile, innocent face,
She came in my life by God’s grace,
Chat’s and talks,
Moved to long walks,
Feeling arose, love came,
Whatever it was ,we never blamed.
Days were good, days were going,
It was the time we were enjoying,
Her lovely looks, her childish talks ,
In that i was totally lost.
We were good ,we were great ,
Life was at its best stage
But ,
Time was Odd
And was our fate
We left once, and never mate.
Season changed , people changed,
For whatever happened,whom to blame?
Whom to blame , for the love that lost?
Whom to blame for the feel that frost?
No one was guilty, none did the theft
It was only the love, THE LOVE that left.
And so ,
The Love we Had ,
Is now “The Love We Hate”
——————–ramta jogi
The Love We Hate | Love Poetry
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