The Post-Lockdown resume
The Post lockdown Resume.
Your profile needs to be edited. The experience section needs to be updated in your resume. A separate segment of your learning in the last two months needs to be highlighted. Not only certifications shared on LinkedIn but the takeaways of your overall professional and/or mental growth, as well as understanding, should be highlighted on your resume.
One thing we all must agree that this lockdown due to COVID19 left us with a thought to take a step back and introspect. It can be in terms of what went wrong or what right needs to be done in future. It can be with respect to business, jobs or even our self at large.
I understand many people in and around us will debate and argue about the mental stress of extra working hours and a tensed situation due to layoffs, leaf them so exhausted that they did not get any time or motivation to learn and upgrade with any other certification.
But as I mentioned, it can be either mental or professional learning.
For all the work experience, we already have a Pre lockdown resume.
COVID19 came to us like that uninvited guest whom we didn’t even know. It took our address from some distant relatives of ours and visited us, giving us curiosity, anxiety and fear with each day passing.
The country got deserted and people got caged within their 4 walls. But wasn’t that even an experience? Even this learning must have made us draw certain conclusions on various factors of life and business.
With my experience of 7 years in Sales, I have realised that not always the best person with a typical theoretical knowledge is able to achieve targets on the ground. It is always the one who understands the situation from heart and mind altogether, creates an internal conflict and solves it thoroughly, makes a difference.
It is the EQ that counts more than IQ and what makes the difference is the combination of both.
And to have such an understanding, this lockdown presented you with one of the toughest life situations. To be present in it, managing domestic and professional life altogether. Handling overtime working hours and still managing household chores, Being laid off from Job and still trying to maintain a strong mental behaviour focusing on the way ahead.
This time gave us the freedom we always planned but never took. Freedom to introspect, dig deep and even enhance our knowledge learn new experience and note the learning from it.
Many corporations on their own took this step of enhancing the learning of their employees which definitely must yard better results in the coming months. In other cases, the individual took it on themselves to do the same.
The ones who did this and stayed focus on the best of both (the mental and intellectual) learning, got many such lessons which will help them to decide where the future lies.
The shift from physical to virtual in its complete sense was another aspect of growth. I realised that we have grown up with the concept of Peer to peer learning which always took place in person and also how the corporate environment affects your growth was the idea thrown to us during all corporate meetings. And now we were left with none.
Are the learnings and growth not possible now?
Since ages, it has always been the humans who stood up for their needs. And the ones who did, thrived.
Instead of blaming, let us consider it as a phase of transition and discovery. Somewhere nature had pressed the reset button and now we are back to basics. So that eventually makes us the creators of the new world. It is how we will toil hard now and design it, paves the ways for the future.
So let’s decide what changes we made and how those changes made us in the last two months.
Whether it is,
On working hours?
In coordination virtually?
Or on the impact on productivity?
How was the mental state?
And in case you got sufficient spare time, where did you invest this time in?
There should be a post lockdown resume.
All the learning and experiences should be highlighted in your post lockdown resume. It should be a matter of achievement for you with the understanding and learning with which you came out of this phase. Mentally and otherwise. And all those things need to be highlighted in the resume. You should be able to put down the understanding of this phase.
For the future, the main learning this lockdown has given to everyone is to not take anything for granted and the ones who understood this during the lockdown learnt a lot.
Whether you wish to analyse or answer it to yourself or others, is a personal choice but eventually what did the lockdown bring out in you will sooner or later define you.
Thank You.