He and She —- Nikhil and Tanya & Questions Unanswered | Life Blog
He and She —- Nikhil and Tanya & Questions Unanswered | Life Blog
We crave for the special one in our life with whom we would have had made our life better and we regret not having that special one. But is it that those who are in a relationship with the someone, whom once they thought is their love are happy and have had the best feel of life and it continues till the end? There are times when people having this bliss cannot take it to a long term commitment. It’s not that their love falls apart or their feeling changes or even they regret of choosing the wrong person. Many times it continues in the desired way but never ends the same way it had begun. Call it destiny, luck, karma or something unknown but sometimes it never ends the way we want it.
I met Nikhil and Tanya and realized how cute a love can be, and also what we cannot do something even when everything is good between the two.
They were odd, they were totally different, and that’s why I think they were together. As the old age, the scientific rule goes “opposites attract”.
I knew him from college days, a smile is what defined him. I didn’t know her, but whenever I met her I found her looks and voice was what defined her. Nikhil and Tanya met in B. School, where both of them went to have fun, enjoyment and so-called studies too. Nikhil went there after 4 years of unproductive and unfruitful B.Tech, where the only great thing he did was a break up with a 3-year-old relationship. Tanya, on the other hand, came after completing B.B.A, where she only studied. Both came from different family backgrounds and cultures which had their own restrictions and own limitations.
The first day when they faced each other, he found her beautiful and charming and she didn’t realize who he was.
Days began and so began talks. He found her more and more interesting day by day but she didn’t felt the same. Time went on and days passed, they began to know each other better. He began to move towards her whenever possible; entering her group or talking to her wherever she is alone. There is no reason or proof or explanation of why people can fall for each other, and that’s why love is defined in many ways, but it always means the same.
Everyday activity turns into a habit, habit leads to addiction. And that was happening in his case too. She was becoming his addiction. He felt good day by day with her and his soul smiled seeing her, which was reflected on his face too. He began to know her better as they became friends and so did he began to love her. Even the entire college noticed his inclination towards her but Tanya was reluctant to even give a thought to the thing that was happening. She had her own reasons for it. But it didn’t take long for him to go to her and tell her what both of them already knew.
It sometimes makes the other person feel special when words are used to convey feelings along with expressions and emotions. It adds to the feeling of love. But in this case, Tanya was not ready to feel such feeling. It was neither her mistake nor did his, but she hailed from such a culture where the thought of loving or going ahead in life with someone other than her caste was a total NO. With the incidents that went in her life or family, she was pretty much sure of what will go in the future and she was ready to accept it.
By the passing of 1st year, they got extremely close irrespective of her resistance of not moving towards her. Love has its own way of flowing and luckily no restrictions can block its flow. If it has to, it will. They were very much together from there soul, but in this outer world, they were single Not at all committed. The commitment was only a term they avoided in public. But each and everyone around them knew what they were, from the vibes of love which used to get created when both of them used to be together. Many times, Love just happens, irrespective of knowing it will lead nowhere, it actually takes place somewhere and that place is HEART. They blossomed together with time.
They were like two parts of a single beautiful locket, which looks good only when both parts are joined together. She talked like an idiot box and he was always the audience who listened to this idiot box, even when others got bored. Because he never got bored hearing her, never. It was at the beginning of his feeling for her that was hard and harsh for Nikhil to even live at a distance away or even think a future without Tanya. But with time this torture of thought was transferred from him to her. She is a sheer feeling of emotions once said, “First it was difficult for you to leave me and now it is getting impossible for me to leave you”.
He loved her. His life was described by her name. In some form, in some way, he didn’t really know how and why, but he did. He did love her. Every day and at every point of time. That consistency was what made his love different. He cared for her happiness. He remorse her sadness. He felt the very smile she smiled. He actually did. He was unaware of what all needs to be taken care of if you are in love.
He was unaware of all the rules and regulations to achieve love. But neither he needed to be aware of all that. He felt good to love her and all that was what mattered. There are people who deserve everything in this world. They owe happiness in this world and you are the person, who brings them their desires. They don’t need to have the oblige by asking anything from you, they just need to state and you deliver irrespective of thinking how you are related to them, just with the aim of seeing them happy. Tanya was this to Nikhil.
We see in relationships, attitude, ego, inferiority complex and many other issues between two people, which in the beginning are ignored when the feeling is at liking stage, but with time they spoil the relations and then there was this couple who fought, had arguments, and issues too but their love overpowered every other issue. They prioritized each other over those issues, even knowing that this won’t continue till the end. That too was what made their love -DIFFERENT
Two years were coming to an end, and the intensity of feelings between them was growing day by day. They loved the feeling of love. Colleges ended. Their meetings got rare, as both got busy with their jobs but it got compensated with the night talks, to discuss their day’s activities and their life continued the same way. It has been a year more after college got over. They are still were good with each other. No issues, just love.
But they don’t talk to each other anymore. They have stopped discussing their day to day activities with their night talks. Even for any important work, they avoid calling each other. They didn’t fight, neither any other issues with each other but still they just stopped interaction with each other. They realized the time or the phase which they wanted should never exist actually has arrived.
The age of getting married was what arrived and so their respective families have started searching for a suitable partner for them. They would have continued talking or being in contact but it would have hurt them more leaving each other at the last moment, so they began to prepare themselves a life without each other. Both are living their professional life and spending the result of the time with their own self and their friends.
I met Nikhil some days back and found he was smiling, as usual, he used to. I had talk to Tanya and she is still the same chirpy talking idiot box. You never realize or mostly they never make you realize what all are they going through. I think that’s what at-least their love has taught them. To Accept
Nothing went wrong between them. Then why? Why did this happen to them? Why two pure souls, made for each other still never lived with each other? Why love is not sufficient for two persons to be together? Why people don’t understand that in this selfish world, where it is nearly impossible to move our attention from ourselves, and yet we find people who shed their soul out for ourselves?
Sometimes, we avoid that love under friendship and sometimes under lack of emotions, but even after we accept it, sometimes it’s the fate which comes into the picture.
I don’t deny the fate, destiny or karma or luck, but still, I prefer true feelings of love ahead of them. Two pure souls being together is the epitome of life and happiness. Nothing comes ahead of it.
In life, irrespective of all the hurting, the aches, the problems, the pity issues, love was, love is and will always be bliss.
Love should not end the way it is destined to be instead it should move the way it is meant to be. Their love story ended but ending their love was something not possible. Love Bestowed them with Love, Life bestowed them with FATE. They were made to love each other, though they were not made for each other.
They were so very different just to be same in that way and so was their LOVE…. ——-@ Ramta Jogi
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