A dreamy day of life | English Poetry
A dreamy day of life | English Poetry
There should be a day in Life
Free from all the non-sense vibes.
Free from fears, Free From Sorrow,
Free From Thoughts,
The Thoughts of Tomorrow
Free from all sufferings, free from pain
Free from the lost love,
The love which went in vain.
Free from hurdles, free from troubles
Free from the people who pop-up like a burden.
Free from the soul, free from the mind
A day which we always love to rewind
A day of happiness, A day of love,
A day of solace; which was never heard
A day to dream, a day to scream,
A day to feel like you have never been.
A day of liking, A day of a smile ,
A day which should never pass in a Long Long while
That’s how I want “A Day In My Life”
A dreamy day of life | English Poetry
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