The Fear of Love | Short Story
The Fear of Love | Short Story
I came home and knocked on the door. It was 11.30 and just 15 min ago dad gave me a call to ask what time I was coming. But when I knocked on the door no one responded. It was the only dad at home at that time as others were out of town. I knocked on the door again, still no response. The door was not locked and light in the front room was also ON. I ringed the bell. Still the same response. I called him on his cell, he didn’t pick up. I was getting serious and scared at the same time, but no response was available from the other end. My heart beats increased and fear was totally seen on my face.i was getting anxious. Weird horrible thought started to enter in my mind like,
What had happened suddenly?
Why is he not opening the door?
In this fear, I was constantly ringing his cell and simultaneously the doorbell. Suddenly within a minute, the door opened. My dad saw me and asked “Why are you crying?. At that point, I realised yes I was crying.
“why were you not opening the door, I was scared? Did I ask in an angry and scared tone, Scared? why? I just fell asleep so I didn’t hear the bell.
And phone? I asked
“It is kept in a different room” he replied
But why were you crying? he asked
Nothing – I said and went to my room.
At that moment I realised, how hard times bring out the real feelings from us. How just a minute late in opening the door made me scared and realised how much I love my dad. The same scenario happens in life too, we don’t actually know what we have in our life, and even if we know the importance of the things we never love them we just respect them. It’s only the fear of losing them brings true love out of us.
We love a lot of people in our life, but not always we show it nor do we realize the love we share with some of our closed friends, family and others but the fear makes our heart feel and speak the love out of us. Though by actions of anger and scaredness, indirectly it shows our love, Pure love.
Never wait in life for the loss of someone to realise their importance, realise and convey it before its too late.
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